Cattle Club News

2 Sep 2020 by Rachel Wilson

Hi everyone

I wanted to let everyone know that I have accepted a position at TSS starting in January next year. This was a terribly hard decision for me to make and one that I am still not certain is the right one. I was offered a promotional position there in the Ag department and I have decided to pursue this.

I would like to thank everyone for their continuing support of the Club, all the boys for their hard work, all the parents for their help and donations but most of all I’d like to thank everyone for your friendships and constant laughs along the way. Please believe me when I say I am going to miss everyone… a lot.

The Cattle Club attracts such a wide array of students to it and provides such valuable lifelong skills to these boys – I have felt very privileged to watch the boys grow and develop over the last 4 years. When I see how many young and enthusiastic boys we have this year, I know that the CC is in very safe hands!

The school will advertise for a replacement so I will keep you updated on the progress.

Hopefully next term has a bit more normality to it and we will get to catch up a bit more.

Thanks again for everything,


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